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Internet For Student

Nowadays internet become popular in human life. Everyone use internet as if it were a daily need for them. Especially for students, internet become useful for their life. Now, many software use internet conection to operating it. It make students conected their gadget to internet everywhere and everytime. Many student feel more comfortable if they conect to internet, because they can browse everything if they didn’t know about something.

There are many advantage which can take about using internet among students. First, internet make students find lesson’s material easier and faster. It make them more ready to face the next lesson in their class. Secondly, internet can increase students insight not just about their lesson at school but internet also over many information around the world. With browsing the internet, they can improved their knowledge and make them know many information around the world. Third, internet can make students have many new friend via social media. Social media is an aplication that over to conected someone with other people although they separated by the world. With social media they will make new friend and have huge sociality that would be good for their exsistance.

Although internet has advantage for students, there are a disadvantage of internet for students. First, internet especially social media can make student addicted and lazy. If students have been addicted by social media, they would became lazy to do something else which more useful because they are too focus with their activity. Then, it’s a fact that most of students especially teenagers have a curiousity about something new for example, porn. It would be easy to them to access porn in the internet. It will make a bad result for them, because it will make them have a deviation thought about porn that they see. And then if they were conected to internet they have to paid as well as they used it. If they used internet boundlessly they would have expensive claim. They have to paid it, so it will be wasful habit.

Eventhough internet has many advantage and disadvantage, students should used internet properly so it can be useful technology to suport their school assignment, get many information and increase their knowledge. If they could used internet properly they would get good effects of using internet.


Fikky Dhia Puspasari (XII IPA 4 / 04)

Prastika Bagaskara (XII IPA 4 / 16)

Ulfi Hida Zainita (XII IPA 4 / 20)

Dila Rachma Aryaningrum (XII IPA 4 /26)

sumber : http://teknologi.kompasiana.com/internet/2013/11/21/internet-for-student--609954.html

Internet For Student | Unknown | 5

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